Schuld Bushnell will help create a feed mill layout customized to your distinct needs. We can aid in the design and construction of your elevated structure. Perfect for pass-through truck or rail loading. Low profile top cones are beneficial for roof access.
New mill built in 2020 near Franklin, Indiana
Located in Roggen, Colorado, the 2019 mill expansion highlighted below consists of fourteen 12' x 32' and eight 9' x 30' bins for total capacity of nearly 55,000 bushels. Our LP model galvanized bins optimize roof access with low profile top cones. For this project, all support components were hot-dipped galvanized prior to assembly.
Chisel Bins
Consider Schuld Bushnell chisel bins to increase product flow. The expanded hopper opening and unique cone shape allow wood, seed, grain, plastics and other materials to flow freely. Below are a few custom chisel bins.

Specialty Applications
Lime Storage and Dispersal
Snack Food Industry in York, PA
Plastics in Iowa Falls, IA
Support Ring Replaces Legs
Specialized Fittings
Leg extensions added to these salt storage bins to accommodate horizontal auger in Muscogee, OK
These structures were assembled at our facility and delivered complete.

Special Delivery
This bin was added to an existing feed mill in Cofield, IN. Took some precision crane work to get it into place.